English Grammar with comprehension and composition’ is a well-knitted grammar series from Grade I to Grade VIII, which aims to enable the learners to attain the four skills of language learning; listening, speaking, writing and reading. Recent researches suggest the concentration on activity- oriented classroom situations and the cognitive effect in a child to develop language skills, are cared for in this series, with a higher note. The child psychology of deductive and inductive methods based on visionary effects and practices are combined in this grammar series. This grammar series aims at teaching and learning English Grammar through the play way method. All the grammar concepts are introduced through interesting and relevant examples with worksheets in every chapter. The grammar rules are set down simply and clearly for further reinforced tasks and activities.
This series fulfils the need oftheNCERT curriculum and is mapped with the parameters based on the pedagogy of New Education Policy (NEP). Each book of this series has chapters based on Computational Thinking, Experiential Learning, Art Integration, Critical Thinking, Life Skills and Values, Creativity, Subject Enrichment, and Inter-Disciplinary.